
A Flush For Whatever You Do! Number One Or Number Two

When i was using the restroom one day on campus, I noticed that the flush handle on the toilet was a bright green color. The color caught my eye, but i really didn't think much of it. I flushed the toilet and went on with my day.

In my past post, I talked briefly about the world water crisis and how we need to conserve our water. On the ETSU campus, the Department of Sustainability has installed double flush toilets in all of the community bathrooms in the on campus residence halls. You can distinguish a double flush toilet by the green flush device on the commode as you can see in this picture.

So How does a double flush toilet work? If you go "#2", then you would push the flusher down just like normal and the toilet would get rid of the waste. If you go "#1" however, you push the handle up and the toilet removes the waste just like normal, but it uses less water and therefore is more sustainable than a normal toilet. According to the ETSU Director of Sustainability, these toilets can save up to 30% of the water that is used by a normal toilet.
I think that these toilets are an amazing idea. However, I don't feel like enough people actually know what they are. I didn't recognize one when I saw it and I think thats probably true for most others as well. I think that the campus should work on adding signs like the one above so that these sustainable toilets are actually doing their jobs.


  1. This is a really cool way to conserve water. I really like the pictures you added to this post. In addition to being beautiful your background really ties your whole blog together.

  2. I have heard of these handles, but wasn't sure how they worked. When I visited Ireland, toilets had 2 handles... of course, one for #1 and one for #2. This is a much more efficient option!

    Habits will be hard to break though. Up not down! I would need a really big sign to constantly remind me. But, well worth it!

    Keep up the posts!


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